Home Services


by Wallas Planet Ruta Wanda

I can offer two types of services: advisory and consultancy. Having a 360 of the world puts me in a position to be able to advise and consult in nearly any industry. I have run into situations where people have tried to shut me down, not to say anything because of lack of qualifications, not challenging the contribution, but just blindly rolling with the natural way the world has painted our framework of expectation of how we expect of ourselves and from others! These range from simple input or honest feedback on a life challenge, project, strategic planning, or anything really. The difference between advisory and consultancy being that with advisory my role is to guide and provide feedback while for consultancy in addition to guidance and feedback, I participate in driving activities to achieve the desired outcome, goal, or result.


  • Project Planning
  • Project Management
  • Investments Sourcing (For-Profit)
  • Grants Sourcing (Non-Profit)
  • Public Relations


45min Free time to answer any question you may have or provide feedback

Schedule a 45min initial call by clicking the following link: https://calendly.com/wallas-ruta/45min

300 Credits covering 3 hours within 12 months

1000 Credit covering 10 hours max within 12 months

  • Life Crisis/Challenge
  • Strategic Planning
  • Fundraising (Grants & Investment) 
  • Career
  • Project
  • Product
  • Organization Establishment, Planning, and/or Operationalization
  • Canada Express Entry
  • USA Immigration Student/Work

I am still wrapping my side on specific use cases, however, please feel free to reach out to me if anything you feel falls in the items mentioned above, at wallas@wallasplanet.com.