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by Wallas Planet Ruta Wanda

Wallasplanet is a personal Blog of Wallas where he publishes personal opinions in the fields of technology, education, entrepreneurship, culture, diaspora, current affairs, economy, lifestyle or anything that his crazy brain brings to his mind. The blog was started in December 2022, after realizing how expensive and critical it is to tell one’s story and perspective. Every story should be challenging and crafted in a different way from folklore news articles that in this day and age have become more about advertisement, rather than education, informing, entertaining and inspiring the reader to leave his/her world and enter a new zone!

For your own information for free, Wallas is not a professional writer! He does all he can to violate standard established writing protocols when he feels like it, guess why? Because he can! Having grown in Rwanda and East African to some extent, all stories have an apolitical touch, focusing more on business, culture, and really anything else that can change the mind, body, spirit while imbuing his extensive life experiences, tribulations and wins to calm, normalize, inspire and why not hypnotize! The question is who would not like to be hypnotized, at least in some situations, given how messy and crazy at times the world we live in can be!

More importantly Wallasplanet.com will be utilized to promote good vibes, promising projects both nonprofit and for profits, of his, his friends, acquaintances, or really anyone in the world he feels like deserves to be promoted, mostly for free! If he charges there would be a good reason it won’t be a small amount of money, or so he hopes! 

Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for reading up to this point! Please fasten your seatbelts and welcome aboard Wallasplanet.com! The Captain, Wallas will be dropping a few articles here and there on about once a week cadence, leave a comment, or any feedback you feel like he wants or need,s and once again welcome aboard! Subscribe if you would like to receive a notification if an article is added otherwise enjoy reading.

Yours Truly,



Before writing about myself, it is probably a better idea to talk about where WallasPlanet came from! Quite frankly, it is a result of a mix of chaos, poor planning and luck! I was talking with a friend of mine who lives in Dallas, Texas and was complaining about how expensive PR and advertisement is and all the sudden an idea popped in my mind! Why not start my own personal blog?

Immediately we started compiling options, but everything that came on the list had the domain name already taken! Having received the nickname Wallas in high school after watching the movie Braveen Heart starring Willam Wallace, Immediately my high school mate started calling me Wallas and I have embraced it and loved it ever since. The issue was to find something else that will allow me to have a domain name available and that sounds wide and catchy! After a very long brainstorming session, Wallas Planet was the winner! 

To complete the pen name two more names were added! Ruta and Wanda! These came again almost from nowhere! I wanted to cement in my pen name that my Rwandaness is very central to who I am while also having my family’s name included in the name. Indeed, Ruta is a short of my family name while Wanda is part Rwanda, even better the combitionation of both Ruta and Wanda is as you guessed Rwanda, how better could my whole pen be? Ruta + Wanda = Rwanda. Who wouldn’t love this pen name “Wallas Planet Ruta Wanda”?